Jane Reisman is an experienced social sector evaluator and key contributor of research, learning, and best practice to the fields of philanthropy and impact investing.
As the founder and leader of ORS Impact for over 25 years, Jane developed a record of engaging in new frontiers of evaluation – especially those that require innovative thinking and address systemic issues. Today, she actively leads and participates in field-building efforts to strengthen impact measurement and management (IMM) and build the evidence base for impact investing. She has served as the Measurement and Evaluation Advisor to The Rockefeller Foundation, IMM Advisor to The GIIN, co-led the World Economic Forum’s Impact Measurement Action Group on Evidence Cases, contributed to Huddle Group of the Impact Management Project, and is a founding member and Chair of the Social Impact Measurement Topical Interest Group of the American Evaluation Association.
Jane has contributed to a formative body of literature around impact measurement and management, co-authoring several reports including Situating the Next Generation of Impact Measurement and Evaluation for Impact Investing, Streams of Social Impact Work: building bridges in a new evaluation era with market-oriented players at the table, and a series Putting “Impact” at the Center of Impact Investing including A Case Study of Toniic’s T100 Project and A Case Study of how Green Canopy designed its Impact Thesis.
Jane has acted as a convener and presenter on impact measurement and management at numerous gatherings including SOCAP15, SOCAP16, Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2016, Impact Convergence 2016, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations Conference 2017, Mission Investing Institute 2017, Mission Investors Exchange Impact Measurement Webinar 2017, The Community of Evaluators South Asia Conclave 2017, American Evaluation Association 2015-2017 Conferences, the Lili’uokalani Innovation Huddle 2017, Total Impact Conference 2018, and Mission Forward! MIE 2018 National Conference.
In addition to field building around impact investing, Jane acts as measurement and evaluation advisor and consultant. At the social enterprise level, she has advised Green Canopy Homes, Days for Girls International, and Splash. She continues working with leadership and fellowship programs, advising Tekano, a South African initiative sponsored by the Atlantic philanthropies, and the Aspen Global Leadership Network. She is also co-leading a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation about building dynamic learning systems for foundations, which involves a Lab for Learning comprised of multiple foundation participants.