Marianne is dedicated to working to advance well-being, thriving, and justice for people, organizations, and communities. At ORS, she leads complex projects and work ranging from strategy, to theory of change development, to activities across the measurement, evaluation, and learning spectrum. She has a passion for the messy, complex space of social change and she equally values and applies both technical (head) and relational (heart) skills and practices.
She received her PhD in Social Policy from the Heller School at Brandeis, her MS in Public Health from Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, and her MA in Women’s and Gender Studies from Brandeis University. Prior to joining ORS Impact, she was Senior Director at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, where she focused on applying improvement science to population and public health, well-being and equity initiatives worldwide and leading the organization’s measurement, evaluation learning, and dissemination team. She also has worked at Our Bodies Ourselves, Ibis Reproductive Health, and the National Institute for Children's Health Quality.
A born and raised New Englander, Marianne resides in the Boston area with her spouse, children, and adorable dog. Outside of work at ORS, Marianne is on the Board of Neighborhood Birth Center, Boston’s first community birth center. If you have the chance to meet in person, the odds are strong that Marianne will ask if you’d like to share a pot of tea.