What We Do We excel in situations where our clients are engaged in innovative social change, are committed to learning, and view measurement as a method to propel their thinking and strategies around future practices.
We excel in situations where our clients are engaged in innovative social change, are committed to learning, and view measurement as a method to propel their thinking and strategies around future practices.
Many of ORS’s projects relate to building out systems or analyzing alignment of sectors toward social change goals in public health, education, workforce and economic development, comprehensive community change, and advocacy and policy.
We are versatile and adept at applying our expertise in complex system-change efforts that address long-term societal problems. We understand the importance of phases and sequences, as well as being clear on the particular strategies at play and the outcomes most likely to be successful.
ORS Impact’s Impact, Influence, Leverage, and Learning (I2L2) Outcomes Framework clearly articulates different dimensions of system change work:
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Feature Report
Successfully addressing vital social issues—like the movement for racial justice and addressing climate crises—requires large-scale initiatives that address equity, complexity, and systems. By understanding how systems changes are occurring, social change actors can see the full spectrum of change that is possible, and gain vital knowledge for strategic development, and ultimately drive more powerful results.
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Working Paper
While the strategic use of narrative change has become increasingly widespread, the underlying mechanisms by which narrative change is important for social change remain unclear. Why narrative change, and for what ultimate purpose? How does narrative change relate to systems change? This working paper delves into the building blocks of narrative change.
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